I have had so many amazing experiences so far. Today I had a chance to play soccer with some Zambian kids. At one point in the game I stopped and looked at the beautiful sunset. Then I realized how crazy the situation was. I was in Africa playing soccer with some Zambians under an awesome sunset. How many people can say they’ve done that?

Last week we spent three nights at a safari called Phinda. I’m going to work there after I graduate from college (I want you to hold me to that). We saw giraffes, rhinos, impalas, nyalas, zebras, warthogs, wildebeests, elephants, lions, cheetahs, and others. At one point I was disappointed to see zebras but now I realize how absurd that is. It was amazing being around such a beautiful nature and majestic animals.

We have also had the chance to meet with a number of organizations that are working to improve Africa. Many of these are utilizing microfinance to increase the livelihood and income citizens. It has been really inspiring to hear about people who have started programs just based off of an idea.

Last Monday we met with a man named Fred who founded the African Leadership Academy. He told us about many of the students who will be attending his school next year and their accomplishments. One student managed to make a windmill for his community based off pictures in a textbook. It made me realize that my age is not a limiting factor on my ability to act. If this high school dropout could make his own windmill then I could achieve great things.

This trip has been extremely fun but also educational and inspirational. I have really enjoyed my time here.

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