The other day we all went to Table Mountain for a nice day 3000 ft above Cape Town. Our day began around 10 in the morning when we woke up and went to breakfast. If your son or daughter has not told you, the breakfast at our hotel is amazing. They have everything. We then caught a taxi to our destination. Luckily, it was a very nice and we were too hot in the warm clothes that we had worn. We waited in line for a while, and then boarded the tram to the top of the mountain.
Table Mountain is one of the coolest things that I have ever seen. It is a 3000 ft tall plateau that rises above Cape Town. On either side of the mountain are two other massive rock structures; Devil’s Peak and Lion’s Head.
The top of Table Mountain was also crazy. We got off the tram and saw pretty much what we expected. There were guard rails around the edges and telescopes and blurbs to read about how Table Mountain was a National Park wand whatnot. The view, however, was breathtaking. It is hard to describe what it looks like to look down along the wall of a 3000 foot cliff that overlooks the ocean on one side and the peaks of mountains on the other. After we had taken a few pictures, someone had that idea to climb over the guard rail and take pictures while standing a foot from the edge of the mountain. This was not as dangerous as it sounds, though, because there was a ledge ten feet down from where we were all standing.
Once we were done feeling like rebels for climbing over the guard rail, we decided to explore the rest of the area. We found that just down the path, the guard rails completely disappeared, and it was possible to walk to the edge of the mountain. In a few places, we were literally hanging our feet over the edge of the mountain. Eventually, Jenny found our group and kept a closer watch on us.
Once Jenny had found us, there was no point in trying to go rock climbing any more so we all went to lunch. We then decided that we would walk down the trail rather than take the tram down. Walking the trail was about as crazy as walking to the edge of the mountain. When the trail started to get less steep, a few of us decided to jog down the mountain. Regardless of whether we jogged or crawled, we are all extremely sore – two days later. Overall, I thought that our trip to Table Mountain was one of the coolest things that we have done so far.